In-laws from india, am i in the wrong here?

I’m struggling to accept what may be “normal” from my husband’s family. I accept I did not have a large family upbringing. But my inlaws recently came from india to america for the first time and i cannot adjust to certain things. This may seem trivial and childish however to me it doesn’t feel so.

First thing that has bothered me was doing their laundry. First week ok.. second week.. maybe but every time..? My mother in-law has knee issues and cant go up the stairs often in our house however, at least on laundry days she could come put them in the washer or come up to fold the clothes when they are finished? I have to do both of theirs not just the mother.

Another is their lack or communication for anything. I felt as though I had to do most of the house work and my husband is working all day and ignores everything until evening. Here i am trying to study for my exams coming up but not once did the in-laws even care to mention that i have not studied for weeks since I had been cleaning, cooking, tidying up, laundry, etc etc.

My husband says he will help but does not do it right away. So it ends up on me.

I feel alone in this. Like no one cares for me.

And the in-laws not sharing or helping or communicating is irritating me. My parents always cared for me (I agree sometimes a bit much).