Shocked by my shit-to-weight-ratio

So I went to the gym on Wednesday and after workout I calculated my weight to be 84.4 kgs. I was genuinely surprised that my weight had increased slightly despite being on diet and cardio. Mind you this was the day when I didn't have a poop in the morning. The next day I squeezed out all the turds from my rectum and even spent 10 mins extra to clear out all my ass gas out before hitting the gym. After workout, I found out my weight was 83.6 kgs.

So I did the math: shit in kgs = 84.4 - 83.6 = 0.8 kgs. This implies that my shit-to-weight-ratio is: (0.8/84.4)*100 = 0.947. That means I am about 0.95% full of shit.

Guys is this normal? Is it too much or too less? Please post your shit-to-weight-ratio so that I can get some insights into this :)