Camilla is basically lying about her lifting ability… (written by a D1 athlete)

I just came across this sub and I don’t know if anyone has pointed this out already, but I felt like I had to draw attention to it. I came across a video of Camilla lifting (I’ll post the screenshot in the comments) and… YIKES. Most people don’t have extensive lifting knowledge, so they don’t understand just how bad her “lifting” really is. I’ll try to break it down.

I am a D1 athlete, not going to get into it too much, but I lift a lot. At first glance, it looks like Cam is REALLY strong! I was shocked and thought I misjudged her, but when you look closer… you can see it’s a total farce.

There are two kinds of plates (the weights you add to the bar) in lifting: regular plates for things like squats and bench press, and bumper plates for exercises where the weights come into contact with the ground (think deadlifts). Bumper plates are less dense and look WAY bigger than regular plates.

In Camilla’s video, she has two big plates and a small plate on each side. Plates that size tend to be around 45lbs (American equipment) or 20 kilos (equipment in most parts of the world). This looks like it should be well over 230lbs total, or maybe 110 or so kilos total. However, if you look closely, you can see that the big plates say “Eleiko 10” on the side. These are the Eleiko 10kg bumper plates. From experience, I can say this: the only reason to use bumper plates on a squat is to make it look like you’re lifting a lot more weight than you actually are. Additionally, I’ve never seen 10kg plates that are THAT wide. She’s really playing it up.

Assuming she’s using a standard bar and not a light bar (I can’t tell), she’s probably lifting about 70 kilos in that video (about 155 lbs), which is… really not great. If you’re just starting out, that’s fantastic, but if you’re claiming to be a personal trainer/avid lifter/super strong gym girlie, that’s honestly really bad. I’m definitely not the most impressive athlete out there and even I can power clean that weight (it’s a type of lift, hard to explain so Google it if you’re curious lol).

In addition to all of that, her form is REALLY bad, which I know has been discussed here before. She’s practically leaning all the way over when she comes up. It’s not just bad form- it’s dangerous. If she were lifting nearly as much weight as she’s making it look like she’s lifting, she would probably sustain serious lower back injuries. A comment pointed out her bad form, and a fan replied that Camilla explained that different bodies look different when squatting, so her form is actually acceptable. While it’s true that different people look different when squatting, the excessive lean forward is NEVER okay. People trying to copy Camilla’s form could get seriously hurt, and imo it’s completely irresponsible and immoral for Camilla to market herself as an expert and then demonstrate dangerous technique.

Sorry for the long post, but I feel very strongly on this topic. TLDR: Camilla uses massive plates that don’t weigh nearly as much as they look to make it seem like she’s way stronger than she is, and uses terrible technique as well.