Am I dumb? It is different in horses??

I really feel like it's the same but who knows 🥴 cause she was stuck on the baby being on 'X' side means 'x' gender.... Uhhhhh doesn't it work the same in the horse world as in every other world? She's the breeder she should know this yeah? I mean she got sexed semen for one of the foals due?!

(the commentary at the bottom "the ovary that ovulated more likely to be a boy VS a girl")

I really feel like it's the same but who knows 🥴 cause she was stuck on the baby being on 'X' side means 'x' gender.... Uhhhhh doesn't it work the same in the horse world as in every other world? She's the breeder she should know this yeah? I mean she got sexed semen for one of the foals due?!

(the commentary at the bottom "the ovary that ovulated more likely to be a boy VS a girl")