ICL surgery experience

Hello All,

Today is the 35th day after my ICL surgery to correct for high myopia.

Experience :

I got the surgery done in Hyderabad, India.

Surgery was very quick 5 mins per eye and not any major discomfort. One pain point is to look at the bright light shining down on the eyes.

Post op the vision look soo good.

Problems :

After the ICL surgery I see a bright ring when the light hits at a specific angle.

During this 1 month i am mostly got used to it and it doesn't even cross my mind unless i look for it.

In my right eye which has a cylinder power of -2.5 I do see image ghosting in low light condition.

I did enquire about this with my surgeon, but he was not that helpful. He just said as your number is pretty high it takes time to adjust. (If any one face this issue please chime in).