What absolutely pointless League-related hill will you die on?
So I don't want to hear about gameplay or OP items or ulti interactions, we do that all the time. I wanna hear about dumb stuff in the lore or whatever that just makes no sense to you and drives you crazy. I've got two:
I am convinced Ori and Syndra's abilities go with the wrong lore. Syndra is picking up stuff from around the battlefield and chucking it at you like Magneto. Her lore should be manipulating magnetic fields! Ori has a single sphere that hurts you if it gets near you and can pull everything nearby into it. That's a black hole! Dark Star Orianna gets it exactly right, and her lore should be a tiny black hole that she commands around the rift.
Neeko has an ability where she throws a seed and it triggers an explosion (sometimes twice). This abliity should obviously be called Triggerseed, but it can't be, because they already gave that name to Ivern's shield which doesn't seem to involve seeds at all.