[PBE datamine] 2024 December 11 (Patch 15.1): changes to Ashe, Kalista, Varus, turret damage, and minions

General reminder that many changes cannot be easily datamined, such as functionality changes or bugfixes, and are not always final.



  • P base amp:  +15% --> +0%
    • i.e. you don't get any benefit early now until you have bought some crit chance
  • P amp now triggers on every attack, instead of only against already P-slowed targets
    • i.e. the first attack now benefits too
    • technically this also buffs her against slow-immune targets
    • the tooltip has been reworded to imply that W and R would also now benefit from the amp, however they currently do not (likely unintentional collateral from cleaning up the "already slowed targets" clause)
  • Q AS:  25%-55% --> 25%-65%
  • Q tAD scaling per attack:  105%-125% --> 110%-130%
  • W damage:
    • base:  20-80 --> 60-200
    • AD scaling:  100% total  -->  100% bonus
  • MP5 growth:  0.4 --> 0.8
  • P has changes of some sort to the dash speed calculation as a whole
    • appears to now ignore slows and scale purely on attack speed (so cripples still reduce it)
    • unfortunately I can't really tell what their impacts are nor am I confident enough to claim anything beyond that
    • there was an attempt to add the calculated dash speed to the tooltip, however it was actually added to the client tooltip rather than the in-game tooltip
  • Q base damage:  20-280 --> 10-270
  • Q cost:  50-70 --> 60-80
  • E damage per extra spear:
    • base:  8-24 --> 7-35
    • tAD scaling:  25%-45% --> 20%-40%
    • AP scaling:  20% (unchanged)
  • base mana:  360 --> 320
  • Q cost:  65-85 --> 50-70
  • W base onhit damage:  8-28 --> 6-30
  • E cost:  80 --> 90



Bloodletter's Curse
  • see more info here
  • just restating it now since I initially missed this change yesterday (and clarifying the trigger condition)
  • passive:  increases your mpen by 5%-30% --> shreds target's magic resist by 5%-30%
    • reminder that Abyssal Mask had its passive changed as well to now be a damage amp rather than a shred
  • passive now requires that the damage be all three of the following:
    • magic (physical damage doesn't count)
    • applies spell effects (procs don't count)
    • originate from a champion spell (item actives don't count, but champion passives, empowered attacks, and Aftershock count)



  • passive gold start time:  1:50 --> 1:40
    • this also controls the time at which you get the first support item stack
  • damage ramp per stack:  40% --> 50%
    • max at three stacks:  x2.2 --> x2.5
  • damage ramp stack duration:  3s --> 5s
  • minion damage to structures:  x0.50 --> x0.55
  • minion damage to champions:  x0.50 --> x0.55
  • minion damage to minions now deals bonus damage based on percent target current health:
    • melee:  2%
    • ranged:  4%
    • siege:  6%
    • super:  n/a
  • the first siege minion spawns on the:  3rd wave --> 4th wave
    • still spawns every three waves afterward, so 6th / 9th / etc. --> 7th / 10th / etc.
  • experience radius:  1400 --> 1500
  • minion stat changes:
    • these are complicated so here are summaries:
      • all minions have decreased damage scaling (somewhat offset by the above damage changes)
      • melee minions are slightly squishier
      • siege and super minions no longer have effectively-infinite health/damage scalings
    • melee:
      • HP:  477-1,300 by 37 minutes  -->  465-1,360 by 37 minutes  (slightly lower early, slightly higher mid-late)
      • AD:  12-80 by 37 minutes  -->  11-71 by 37 minutes  (slightly lower early, moderately lower mid-late)
      • armor:  0-16 by 37 minutes  -->  0 always
    • ranged:
      • HP:  290-485 by 37 minutes  -->  284-500 by 37 minutes  (slightly lower early, slightly higher late)
      • AD:  24.5-120 by 37 minutes  -->  21-107 by 37 minutes  (slightly lower early, moderately lower mid-late)
    • siege:
      • HP:  912-10,850 over 175 minutes  -->  835-5,850 over 90 minutes  (slightly faster growth early, much faster growth late)
      • AD:  41.5-10,040 over 10,000 minutes  -->  38-126.5 over 90 minutes  (same scaling just lower cap)
    • super:
      • HP:  1,600-11,500 over 150 minutes  -->  1,600-7,500 over 90 minutes  (same scaling just lower cap)
      • AD:  230-1,225 over 300 minutes  -->  215-510 over 90 minutes  (same scaling just lower cap)


Changes from previous days

See here.