I suck at csing when I'm playing adc

So I'm a mid main but sometimes I like playing samira on adc when I'm duo quing with a friend. I just find samira and adc in general pretty fun. But I usually have terrible csing. On mid and top lane I usually average 7 to 8 c/per min but when I'm adc I struggle to have 5.5.( I'm usually about 5cs per min). The main thing is that I'm getting pretty fed on kills but have terrible cs. I start csing relatively well but when I have a lot of kills I'm always in team fights in midlane or jg because if I stay botlane I will just get oneshoted since I'm adc. So even if I have like 90cs at the 10min mark I end up having 150 at the 30min mark. Do you think as a samira player i should just stay botlane and farm or try to take many fights despite losing cs. (I am in silver gold elo so swapping with mid or top isn't really a thing down here).