Strategy to get a rich husband

My friend who lives in Dubai recently married a multimillionaire who has a Swedish passport, I asked her for tips on finding a rich husband based on her experience.

This what she told me: rich men don’t go out of their way looking for woman, they pick from their surroundings. The old mating strategy of not having sex before marriage no longer work because men no longer value purity.

She told me that the best strategy is go to places where rich men go, try to drop some hints get to know them, and date them. She told me girls are afraid of doing that for fear of being used for sex and dumped, but if you had sex with 10 rich men eventually one of them will fall in love with you, it’s a number game.

My friend worked as an escort in Dubai, and from there got to know several rich men, dated some of them, and finally her current husband married her, her marriage will not last but she’s set for life financially, and she’ll have a kid with him securing superior genetics, and all the rich men she dated she got gifts and money from them, you don’t lose from dating rich men.

What do you think? I’m trying to look for a job in Dubai.