Not at fault accident where driver is not the car owner

My partner and I share the same vehicle, with me as the primary driver and him usually as the occasional driver. However, he had to be out of province for half a year so we took him off the policy as an occasional driver.

He recently came back to the province and we forgot to reinstate his insurance and we just got into an accident (where he was driving and I was in the passenger seat) where he is not at-fault - someone reversed into him at an intersection when everyone was stopped. We have all of their contact info, insurance / license details, and photo evidence. The driver at-fault seemed genuinely apologetic and cooperative.

Despite him being taken off of the policy, his name still appears on my insurance pink slips (just downloaded from my online account moments ago) valid until late next year. So I'm not sure what's up with that. The pink paper slips I have that were mailed by my insurance company a couple of months ago when my policy renewed also still have his name on them even though I wasn't paying for him as an occasional driver at that point?

Anyway, is there a legal issue with this situation? Can we still file a police report when I was not driving the vehicle, or is it fine because the vehicle itself was insured and I was in the passenger seat? And if this is fine, do I need to file or does he file?

Thanks in advance for the help.