Question from an audio person
Hey LD People,
I do audio, mostly touring with small/medium “sized” acts. Often times we work with local people regarding lighting. We have a set list for them with tempo, preferred colours for specific songs and adjectives wich should give a impression of how the song will be.
I know lighting / operating lights to little to have an idea what information and in wich way or form it is helpful for the operator. I have asked some of them but with very varying answers (I guess I can be no different here, but with a bigger and more diverse audience)
What are the information you wish you would get from a band with wich you have never worked/don’t know the songs and in wich way/form would you like to have them?
Big thank you for your help from a person who wants to make your job easier ;)
Ps: bonus question: do you would prefer to get that list before the day of the show or is at “get in” enough?