Peli 1610 with foam

Hello Friends, I’m planning on getting a small rack for front of house. Because I have to travel a lot on trains and tour busses I would love to pack it in a peli 1610 (three units high rack) so I can use the lid storage for cables, talkback mic etc.

Is someone here the owner of a 1610 with the foam insert? I can’t find any information about what the max capacity is when you remove all the foam cubes in the middle. My calculations give me that I have 5cm (about two inches) between my rack an the peli side walls and I would like to know if that corresponds to the size of the foam block.

Thank you in advance! :)

PS: i know about three circle design fly racks but I’m a sucker for DIY and think I can safe maybe 200€ If I build it myself. :)