Is Main LR done by audience perspective or band perspective?

I’m on a gig here and am after a heated discussion with another engineer about how to patch the main LR. I’m running the desk, and I asked for the left speaker to be patched to the left as the audience (and I) see it, so that when I pan Left, the signal actually goes to the left as the audience hears it.

He lectured me about how it’s the opposite way, and stage left should be patched as the left speaker (meaning it’s on the right side as the audience sees it), and when I pan left, the signal goes to the right side as the audience sees it.

This is confusing to me because I have to think about it when I’m panning. I personally don’t see the point at all, but I can get over my personal issues if this is actually the correct way to patch it.

Basically I want to know if I have to apologise for having this argument, or if I’m right about it and just leave it as it is.