Playing Magik is a fun but utterly painful experience.

I love Magik, I really do, but man does she suck.

She's my second main and whenever the match clicks just right for you to be able to go ham, it's the most fun I have in this game. But the sad reality is, that sentiment of actually doing something only happens once in a blue moon with this character.

There's nothing that she does, that another character doesn't do better.

Every other DPS in the game can kill in a fraction of a second. Hawkeye one-shots, Hela two-shots, Bucky does too if he aims well. And then there's you, with your big-ass sword doing no damage.

She's so slow and squishy that if you don't manage to kill everyone around you, you will instantly get headshoted. You have to do a full fighting game combo to kill a single heal and that's only if they're alone.
And your DPS is so slow that even with animation cancels, if your target is actively being healed, you will never kill them.

With how powerful everyone else is in this game, Magik just doesn't feel like she belong with the rest, as she very much can't do her job if the enemy team is doing theirs. Really, the only thing you can do constantly with Magik is praying that you'll get a Mantis that will boost your pitiful damage and keep you alive while you do your thing.

I really hope she gets a buff because man, my poor girl simply isn't viable right now.