Fuck humans who choose to have IVF instead of adopting children from foster care.

My coworker: "It is not possible to love an adopted child as much as biological child because they don't share my genes."

She said that she simply can't it in herself to love a child that does not share DNA with her. Yet another stupid quote to shit on adopted children as if they are inherently inferior. Hell, there could have been a mix-up that occurred during birth in the hospital, so you are caring for a child that isn't yours for many years. Honestly, I think you are a fucked up parent if you would disown your child for that.

And if sharing genes was such an important pre-requisite for someone to be worthy of your love, then how come you aren't marrying a sibling or cousin? Haven't you heard this is the best way to preserve your genes? Funny how people participating in dating when people they meet on dating apps aren't related to them. I know this is gonna cue for some Alabama jokes, so I am half-serious in asking this question.