Was Alex O'Connor being serious or sarcastically British?

I've found several apologists like Thoughtful Faith (Douche Canoe), Ward Radio and Mormons online running away from this appearance by Alex O'Connor on a podcast where he was asked by a super chat out of all Christian denominations which one would he join based on the consistent history and scripture to which Alex flatly replied, "Mormonism of course" and they all proceeded to laugh and chuckle.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zCdt35NqPE at around 2:59:00

My immediate takeaway and rewatching several times for context and sanity checking is that is was clearly a cheeky dry British humor response.

I know nobody can prove any of this but based on the following this is why it irks me how apologists and some valiant warriors of theirs are clearly suffering from confirmation bias:

  1. Alex goes on to specifically say that he doesn't know much about Mormonism, so how would he genuinely pick and believe in it off so little knowledge?
  2. Alex goes on to say he needs to learn more and even mentions Dan McClellan (?) and his teaching of Mormonism as fascinating, but something he needs to understand better yet again professing to a lack of conviction and actually seriousness in staking his claim into one denomination
  3. He never provides reasoning or proof how Mormonism is true or consistently logical.......

To me, Alex was clearly being cheeky and dodging the question in a way from a super chat because he's not going to pick one specific Christian denomination because he would be held to that forever and he's a professed atheist at this point. Makes no sense.

It's like how Jordan Peterson won't actually answer himself which denomination yet people celebrate him as some victory.

Curious to hear other's thoughts and reasoning.....