CES Letter credibility

Hello all. Around the time I experienced my faith transition(last spring- almost a year ago), I was given a series of rebuttals by Sarah Allen, something that used ad hominem for the origins of it, I can confirm this because apologist Jim Bennet confirmed the story surrounding it was true.

I had a very interesting conversation with my nuanced believing aunt and she pointed out a rebuttal that I actually remember, the maps that JS supposedly stole the location from for the Book of Mormon, along with the view of Hebrew’s not having any parallels to the BOM if you really went in depth with it. She told me that my other aunt spent 50 hours reading the CES letter and verifying it and she said she found errors that didn’t add up.

My final position: There are much more ways to prove the church false than the CES letter alone. And as far as I’m concerned, the CES letter is accurate enough to disprove the church.

Are there any of you that have gone through this apologetic vs exmo path? I’d love to know.