What movie always makes you cry?
My favorite movie is Return to me. David Duchovny and Minnie Drive were so great. To me that movie seemed so real and I cry every time I see it. My wife was killed by a drunk driver and David losing his wife was so intense. I got the call to get to the hospital and the movie brought that back. When he went home I felt every scene he acted out. Simple things like going through a sock drawer had a whole new meaning at that time My wife and were soulmates. There is no way to describe it. She was my everything. When I was watching her die and only the machines were keeping her alive I kept looking at the clock. How long do I have to sit and watch her die. They did nothing because she had a Basel Skull fracture. They just kept wrapping bandages around her head and the blood would soak through. Finally they said they cant use any of her parts for donation because they were all contaminated. She was riding her bike and was hit from behind. They found her in the road because the driver took off. We don't even no how long she was laying there. I remember the scene when he left the hospital. My wife is dead and now I go home. I miss her so much. https://fb.watch/xOsdFMpCe0/