Open relationship

This man just proposed we have an open relationship. Well, on Saturday we had a youth party in my church and I got into a conversation with some guy, and this guy was asking me questions like: what's my type, if I'm a 50/50, 80/20 or 100/0 kind of person and stuff. I did answer all his questions btw. So later on my man called to know how my day was and other stuff. Mimi na details I told him everything even about this church guy and the conversation we had. It's not like either of us is romantically interested( na this church dude).

So my man akaanza kuniambia,the moment the church guy started asking those questions, I'd have told him I'm in a relationship na sasa amesema juu it's like I want to keep my options open, we should make our relationship an open one. Tbh I haven't been involved with anyone else since we started dating with this man. I know it's my fault but imenitoka. I might not consider the open relationship thing thou.