How would you pronounce Aurelia?
I figured it would be Or-elle-ee-ah. With the E making the short vowel sound as in "egg". But when I mentioned it being on my list to my OB, she said "Oh yeah, I've heard a couple of Au-RAY-lias in my career but not too many." I could live with that I guess. I would NOT be happy if everyone said Au-REE-lia though.
I'm a teacher and it's important to me that my baby's name is spelled phonetically. More or less. I know the au vowel team might throw some people off esp if she goes by the nn Aurie - which I think is adorable, though it does set her up for a lifetime of Starbucks cups with "Ori" written on them. Hopefully she can live with that.
My own name - Meredith - is spelled phonetically, but most people get it wrong and assume it's Meridith. Makes sense cause the second syllable is unstressed and can sound like the short i. But I grew up with the nickname Merry. I always liked it, but also always introduced myself as "Merry spelled M-E-R-R-Y" when I was a kid. For some reason it really bothered me knowing people assumed it was Mary, even if they didn't have to spell it and the two sound identical lol
Am I overthinking this? I'm overthinking it aren't I.