Red Sea story help
Hey all, I'm looking to speak with sailors of all ranks and ratings who have served in the Red Sea since October 2023. IMPORTANTLY, I am not seeking any OPSEC-related information, or anything even close to that. I just want to hear from sailors about what it's been like to serve in that theater. What you've all done over there is historic, and the American public should hear from you about what it's been like. AGAIN, I'm not seeking any info you shouldn't be sharing or that would ever put shipmates in danger. I embedded extensively with US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan back and the day, and putting anyone in danger is the last thing I'd ever want to do. Still, you have an important story to tell, and I want to tell it. Feel free to DM here or email at [email protected]. Anonymity can be granted upon request. Thanks for your time and your service.