The Right to Urinate During Class

Seems to be an issue in New Zealand of teachers denying children's right to use the toilet. First time I experienced this was when I was 5 years old, teacher didn't allow me to go to the toilet even though I was desperate to use it. Looking back on it, seems very medieval, denying a child, but straight up denying a 5 year old to go to the bathroom. I ended up pissing my self in class.

Had a teacher when I was 13 first year of high school, say no... when I poliently put my hand up and asked to go to the bathroom. I stuck up for myself and went on about human rights etc etc, walked out of the room and went to the toilet. Teacher reported me to the Dean. I ended up winning. My class was in the 3rd floor of a 3storie building, which for some reason had no toilets. They didn't want students to go to the bathroom, because it would take at least 5 minutes for them to go to the bathroom and come back, and many students used this as an excuse to skip the class. The schools fault imo, should have had a toilet block built on the third floor

3rd time I experienced this, I was at another high school that only had 1st floor buildings. I had this one teacher who would not let anyone go to the toilet during class, even though the toilet was right next to his classroom. And he was also a food and nutrition teacher, so he should have known the importance of freedom to use the bathroom... and this teacher just seemed like he had a superiority act. As there was another teacher I had at this school, who I could say "I need to piss" and I would walk straight out the classroom without him questioning it, but if I didn't come back to class, he was far more strict than the nutrition teacher who didn't let us use the bathroom