Will I have spider-induced PTSD from doing the glow worm caves with my husband?
At the risk of being completely shredded, I will ask the question that many anxiety-riddled city girls have asked before... will I be attacked by dinner-plate sized spiders during a glow worm cave tour in Waitomo? I'm trying to be a trouper for my husbands birthday but I have the distinct feeling I am going to want to swim my ass back right back to Vancouver.
I was hoping that stuff was only in Australia and NZ was just a wonderland of unicorns and kiwi birds (who eat marshmallows).
Edited to add: thank you all for making me laugh. I do use humour to mask discomfort but this chatter turned it around for me. I’m going in strong… maybe medicated. I cannot wait to visit your gorgeous country and poke around some wood sheds.