My bf just admitted he doesn't find me that attractive anymore

I am in 10 years relationship with this guy. The 1st we met I was very skinny, 48kg, I was working three jobs and I wasn't healthy by any means. I missed my period majority of the time, I eat like shit, I don't exercise.

Long story short, I feel alot better at 63kg myself now. I workout 4 times a week, I eat healthy but I do have a lil bit of belly but not too much, just a normal pooch. I had a chat with my bf last night, and he said he doesn't find me attractive for years now. I notice for a while when we had seggy time, he seems bored or rush to finish it off. He did says he stays in the relationship because he cares about me, but he also said I let go myself. I don't think I am. I also broke my hand two years ago, so I can't really exercise beside jogging/walking.

I am not sure what to do or move forward from this.