Am I doing this right?

Let me start by saying that I did not start OMAD to lose weight. I was intrigued by some of the other benefits, including mental clarity, enhanced focus, and sustained energy. I also want to develop a healthier relationship with food since i have a tendency to snack.

Although, I'm 7 days in and I've only experienced the downsides of this eating style to date, such as extreme fatigue following my OMAD meal, occasional hunger pains before my meal (though these have mostly been tolerable), and inability to focus for more than a few moments at a time.

I understand these are common symptoms, especially in the first week. That said, I'm wondering if I may be going at this incorrectly. I say this because I'm often left with uncomfortable stomach aches following my OMAD meal, which is at 1pm. Additionally, it takes 3+ hours for me to to have any energy at all following my meal and the rest of my day is pretty much shot from a productivity perspective given my limited energy and inability to focus.

I started out doing 23:1 and eating about 2.5-3k calories during that window (my normal daily caloric intake). this probably sounds like a lot but i'm trying to maintain my current weight and I follow a pretty demanding exercise regimen which features beach volleyball (3x per week) and HIIT class (4x per week) along with a fair amount of walking each day.

To avoid the post-meal stomach aches and energy crashes, I decided to switch to 22:2 today (i.e., 1-3pm instead of 1-2pm). Although my stomach ache lessened, I still have very low energy following my meal.

Additionally, I started OMAD with an evening eating window (~5pm), but It negatively impacted my sleep, which is why my eating window now begins at 1pm. I am sleeping better as a results which is good.

Is there anything else I can do/try, such as eating less or switching to a 20/4 window? Or, am i just being impatient? Has anyone struggled with a similar situation and found a solution?

I'm a 5'11 160 pound male and I eat a high protein and low carb diet, which features eggs, protein (chicken, ground turkey, or salmon/tuna usually) along with a protein shake (with a handful of blueberries) and a salad with kale, tomato, carrots, avocado, black beans, and shaved almonds.

I do not drink caffeine and drink a bunch of water with electrolytes (LMNT) every day. Appreciate your help in advance!