Pancreatic Cyst Surveillance
I had a CT scan performed on 02/22/2023 for abdominal pain. A 23 x 21 mm pancreatic uncinate process cystic lesion was found. I had an EUS performed on 03/28/2023 to view the cyst and potentially biopsy. A biopsy was not performed because risk of fine aspiration deemed greater than benefits at this time. An MRI was performed on 03/15/2024 and the impression showed a stable 23 mm pancreatic cyst.
For context: - I rarely drink (less than 1 drink a month) - last cigarette smoked was 10/29/2017 - considered "obese" (37 BMI) - F/32 - starting low saturated fat diet to combat high triglycerides - upper abdominal pain is suggestive of IBS.
My questions are: 1. Is it common to develop cysts on the uncinate process? 2. What is the difference between the uncinate process and the head of the pancreas? 3. Do pancreatic cysts affect your glucose and insulin levels? 4. Is it normal to not biopsy? 5. What are the odds of stability for the full 10 year surveillance period?
Asking reddit because getting a hold of the gastroenterology department within my health insurance provider is like pulling teeth right now 😅 not sure if this is the correct thread either. Please let me know if it isn't, I don't want to be unsympathetic to those that are active in this thread. 🙏🏼