COVID vaccine and mom guilt

I plan on getting the flu vaccine tomorrow I think, and I plan on getting the RSV vaccine. I’ve already gotten tdap.

But I’ll be refusing Covid, this is mainly because the first time I did get the first two Covid vaccines I had a bad reaction 10 minutes after getting it.

Remember how they had you wait for 15 minutes before you were able to leave? I had to wait longer and be monitored by a nurse because I started experiencing bad heart palpitations and chest pains (I have arrhythmia and mitral valve regurgitation and was diagnosed about four years before the pandemic happened. I was hospitalized and kept on bed rest until the cardiologist could run test on me after I’d fainted moving into my new apartment. My cardiologist believed I’ve had these conditions my whole life but started experiencing more symptoms and concerns as I got into my early twenties, I’m currently 26).

After about forty five minutes they told me I could go home, but For the reminder of the day I had to stay in bed due to how weakened my heart felt each time I did get the vaccine.

At the time I told my primary care doctor and she told me not to get the booster because clearly my body wasn’t handling the vaccine well. She said it was odd, but not uncommon bc some people were having side effects. She said I could be the select few who experienced myocarditis because of my preexisting heart condition.

I did what she said and I didn’t get any of the booster shots.

My OB recently asked me if I was going to get the vaccines. I said yes to all except the Covid booster and explained why and she just chuckled to herself and “ohhh okay” as if I was lying and being an anti-vaxer.

Again I want to state I am not anti vax. I want to get the flu shot. I already got tdap. My son will be getting all his vaccines as scheduled by the CDC when he is born.

I’m simply hesitant about the Covid vaccines because of my experience and because of my heart.

Since getting pregnant my heart does feel a little bit more strained than usual, but I have been taking it really easy and not being as active as I would like. Which is working for me. I understand that your heart has to work harder during pregnancy and mine has to work even harder bc of the irregular heartbeats and leaky valve.

But now, I’m starting to feel a bit of mom guilt if I don’t get it.

Did anyone else have side effects whenever they got the Covid vaccine and if so did you get any during your pregnancy too?

UPDATE just got back from my OB appointment. She asked me again if I wanted the Covid vaccine and I said no and told her the full story. She nodded and asked if I was going to get anything else. I said yes to the flu, and the RSV. I had a tdap two months ago (I stepped on a rusty roofing nail), but she said I’ll probably have to get it again.

I did get my flu shot today too! Praying I don’t get super sick!

Thank you all for your help. I’ve decided not to get the Covid vaccine for the time being.