The loneliness is a lot

I’m 19 weeks and my interactions with friends have become few and far between (not for lack of trying). My family is across the country and the family I do have locally is not ideal. I have my in laws for support but we don’t always see eye to eye so I wouldn’t necessarily call them just to hangout.

My partner is very loving and supportive, but he is working extra over time to prepare and has his “guy days” one day a week. These last two weekends I’ve just been feeling so lonely and isolated. Is it fair of me to ask him to not work so much or to spend less time with his friends? I don’t want to take that from him because it’s always been a non-negotiable that we get our separate alone time but now I’m spending much more time alone than he is. I’m also aware that he knows his guy days are going to be far and few between once this baby comes. I feel like I’m sacrificing friendships, being able to do things I enjoy, and more while he gets to keep living his life as normal. Do I just suck it up and find a new hobby? Pick up some new books? Maybe I’m just hormonal and this will pass.