Being Visibly Muslim in Trump’s America

Assalamu alaykum, brothers and sisters!

Given the state of the US right now, I’ve been reconsidering whether it would be worth it to start wearing the hijab. I’m a white revert in a blue state so I have marked privilege, but I do wonder now more than ever if that’s a wise choice. As I don’t believe it’s fard, it isn’t something I feel I’m wrong in avoiding.

With that said though, would it be more useful to signal to others in the ummah that we’re here? There is absolutely something to be said about the “strength in numbers” philosophy. But at the end of the day, is it actually of benefit to our fellow Muslims? Does it actually make them feel safer or more secure? More generally though, I’m wondering if anyone else is starting to question being visibly and outwardly Muslim?

I love our community here and I want to hold space for people that are concerned, that want to vent about their struggles with bias and discrimination, especially women and immigrants. We will make it through, inshallah! But we all need a moment to grieve as well. Please take care, please remember to find small joys in the day. You are loved, and you are welcome here. 🫶