Where to find raw React components?
In my React projects, I tend do everything from scratch. It's a bit more time consuming, but it gives me a level of control that I cannot get through component libraries.
To me, learning the different specifics of component libraries with styling and state management just seems too complicated, and I'd rather just write the code myself.
This was until yesterday, when I needed a date picker component for my project. I would rather not spend 1-2 hours configuring this component, when it has probably been made thousands of times already.
After looking through some component libraries, I found some that I liked. What frustrated me though, was the lack of customization. I really hate the "hacky" way components are customized when using a library, and would much rather just write raw CSS. I know my methods may seem old school, but writing React code with so much boilerplate and random imports for a single component, just doesn't sit right with me.
I am wondering if there are any places I can just find raw React code, to tinker with and use for my components. By raw, I mean just plain JSX files with minimal dependencies. I've looked on CodePen and CodeSandbox, but search results on the respective sites either result in mediocre components, or outdated code (I use hooks while the components still use classes). I'm sure lots of content exists on GitHub, but I can't really figure out a good way to search through it.
Is there any place like the one I am describing? I feel like I am alone in not wanting to trade customization for ease of use.