My family hates my boyfriend and wants me to break up with him.

Hey all

I (24F) have been with this guy (24M) for about 9 months. But we only have been officially dating for about 3 months. But my family HATES him.

One of the main factors is that he is living with his mom and best friend. He pays rent to his mother and works a minimum wage job. He has 1 DUI and is working on probation.

He does work and pay his bills but my family doesn’t believe we are on the same path. Me having a degree and working a corporate job.

I really do love him and he has been very kind to me with some fights here and there. I think his family dynamic is a bit different than my family.

I told my mom that money isn’t everything to me and we could make ends meet but she has been divorced twice and told me she doesn’t want me to go down that road. She even keeps trying to find guys for me to talk to while I am in this relationship. They talk down to him a lot calling him fat and ugly (not to his face). Just low blows.

The only time I can ever think of them being happy in my relationship was people they chose me to date. Like a family friend or something. Its always been farmer dudes and Texan dudes. Its never really been my type and those relationships always failed. My mom would even blame me for the relationship failing when it was forced on me.

But when it comes to all of the relationships I have wanted they always made fun of them in some way. But with this guy he does have a DUI and does not really have life goals.

I don’t know if my mom is projecting or if she has a right to be concerned. I am clouded by love right now and don’t know what to do.

TL;DR : my mom and dad want me to break up with my boyfriend because he doesn’t have a good enough job or goal.

UPDATE 2: I am updating the post and not just commenting but if you want the first update its down there.

Anyways so he has been trying to contact me and he basically blew up my phone with texts saying that I have no friends and my family is using me. That he is the only one who cares about me. While its true I am introverted and keep to myself it was very hurtful to here coming out of someones mouth that I am alone. We are still broken up and I have blocked him because he called me 11 times in an hour. 🫠