Stat Mechanics List
I was trying to help new players be able to make meaningful choices about where to put their stats (if they get to assign stats as part of a talent etc). Ive found that decision making is more fun when my players are aware of the impact of the choice.
The book explains the types of things that a check would be made for regarding each stat, but I couldn't find a concise list of things stats actually do mechanically.
For example, the book says that Strength
- Smashing open locked doors
- Bending the bars of a prison cell or sewer grate
- Lifting a large rock overhead
- Stopping a runaway ship's helm from spinning
But you have to read all around the book to realize that mechanically Strength determines how many slots you have (minimum 10).
So I'm working on a list that is something like the following:
- Determines how many slots you have (minimum 10)
- Used when swimming in rough water
- Pass check to move through enemies (or DEX)
- Melee attack: D20 + STR mod to see if hit
- D20 + DEX mod for initiative
- Pass check to move through enemies (or STR)
- Ranged attack: D20 + DEX mod to see if hit
- DEX mod is added to most armor for AC (leather armor = 11 + DEX mod)
- Add modifier to your initial HP roll. Level 1 only
- Death timer: 1d4 + CON mod (minimum 1 total)
- Holding breath while swimming (hold breath for number of rounds equaling CON mod)
- DC15 int check to stabilize a dying player
- Wizard spell casting: DC = 10 + tier of spell
- Priest Spell casting: DC = 10 + tier of spell
- Reaction when characters encounter random creatures: 2d6 + CHA mod
I wondered if anyone already knew of a place this existed or if others might be interested in helping me fill in my gaps.