Healthier living is Simpler living
As a disclaimer, I don’t approve that everyone, in fact, most people to become health nuts. There is a reason why tasty food exists; would be a shame if we never got to try it out.
With that said , I suggest that everyone has a goal to make healthier choices next year. Doesn't have to be a huge leap, but a small step forward. Health is multi-faceted, from mental to physical to beyond. Drink a little more water, walk a few more steps, taking more time to breathe and appreciate. Every bit counts.
By making healthier choices today, you are investing in yourself tomorrow. You will have less complications to deal with as you age, and more energy to dedicate towards the things you love. This, in fact, makes living simpler.
Feel free to comment below if you would like any suggestions and advice, and the sub will help try to fit in healthier living into your goals of simpler living. There are easier ways than making elaborate meals and buying expensive machines if you aren’t into that haha.