Has anyone broken up a long term relationship to become a full time sissy?
I have a gf for the past 7 years. We have an amazing relationship, love each other deeply. I trust her and she trusts me. Yeah we have mundane arguments from time to time but have solid base and understanding.
Until 4 years ago. When I discovered my sissy side
I discovered, out of nowhere, that I crave femininity. I don't enjoy being a man, I like dressing like a girl, acting like a girl, getting fucked like a girl. I tried crossdressing, make up, getting fucked and loved all of it. I came out to my gf back then and she said it was probably porn and that I was being manipulated by it. And yeah the sissy hypno was part of my routine too.
For the past 3 years I did therapy, gym, méditation, yoga, thé whole self improvement 9 yards. On the outside it seems like I'm "cured" but every single day I struggle with obsessive thoughts about becoming a full time sissy (so, transitioning at that point, since I want to do. Hrt too). I want to live the full sissy slut lifestyle since being a normal man with a normal job and a normal family, while it's the dream of others, sounds like the most boring life ever.
I'm really thinking of breaking up with her so she can find a real straight normal guy (she's very vanilla herself) and I can go on to be a sex worker. I know it sounds crazy but it seems like the only thing left to do. Thoughts? Anyone had any experience with this?