A weird interaction

Hi all I don't know where else to put this so I'm gonna try here

The other day I was out shopping, I bumped into this woman about my age (early 20s) and she stopped to talk to me. I figured I would've been nice and listen to her, we talked a little bit about religion (she works for a church) and relationship status. I notice she kept looking up at me often and smirking, she was very bubbly when I was talking with her. After a bit of talking we decided to exchange our numbers.

A day later we were texting back and forth, we called a couple of times and what I thought would be a short 10 minute convo ended up being almost a hour. She's invited me to her church a couple of times and even asks me a lot about myself and beliefs and compliments me about a lot of things.

I'm not attractive by any means let me tell you, I've been dealing with some physical and mental health issues for about the last few years. I tend to be a little shy and anxious. Is this just normal religious social behavior or that I'm just making scenarios or is she trying to make it obvious but it's going over my head?

Feel like I'm overthinking it