Some of my unpopular opinions about Sona
- Her laning phase is way better than people give it credit for, if you space well and know how to dodge skillshots her Q poke is very annoying.
- She's one of the best champions for dealing with invades. Level 1 W with a 5 man stacked bush is disgustingly strong versus hook champions who want to invade, and the Q buff going onto all 5 teammates is also good.
- Draven is very easy to deal with as Sona, it's just that she's bad into the supports that he's generally paired with. Max range Q outranges his AA range and if he starts running after you, 20% E speed boost and 50& purple power chord slow makes sure he can't get on top of you. This is why Sona is drafted in pro play as a response to Draven/Nami lanes, he can't get on top of her without a teammate that can facilitate that for him.
- Purple power chord is underrated because of green power chord. Often times, purple power chord can ensure your enemies can't get in range to do damage and is a better option than reducing said damage.
- I don't view peeling for my ADC as the win con in the vast majority of my games. I think they're generally very mediocre, and that Sona synergizes better with bruiser teammates. I can make a Darius or Jarvan unkillable and unkitable with the same resources it takes to keep a flop Varus barely alive.
- Sona's Q is harder to poke with than any mage support's skillshot. It's harder to master our champion's spacing and knowing when to poke without enemies trading (much) damage back than it is to stand a screen away from your enemies, throw a poke spell off cooldown, then run off-screen till it's back up. Sona Q > Lux Q E, Seraphine Q, E Xerath Q W etc. in terms of skill expression.
- Sona is a good blind pick if you know what you're doing, her biggest problem is her inability to cover up for ADC incompetence. If you have an ADC that knows you beat engage supports by playing for prio and poking them down before they can get on top of you, and you know this too, she's strong. If she has an ADC that is clueless, you can't save them from themselves the way that a Morgana, Janna or Braum would. I only struggle against very select match ups or when a champion is overtuned in a ceertain patch. Like Maokai/Zyra/Camile were earlier this year or how Leona is now.
- Senna is Sona's most even skill match up. You both hyperscale an have individual strengths the other has to respect. Sona wins short trades in lane, Senna wins extended trades, both stack their passives (Accelerando or Souls) by interacting with each other. Sona brings better utility and CC to teamfights, Senna gives more DPS. The fact that some of you struggle against her is mind numbing to me, I think it's skill issue sorry, this is truly her most fair opponent to go up against in my book.
- Sona doesn't take that long to scale. Mana Tear + Moonstone/Helia's and you're basically full build and should start taking over the game.
- Transcendance is an overrated shit rune in comparison to the infinitely better Celerity. and stronger at every stage of the game. Sona playrers are baited into thinking it scales better because it has a level requirement to be unlocked, but realistically movement speed and amping movement speed buffs is insanely valuable on a support who values spacing/positioning more than practically every other champion in the game + you spam E off cooldown once you get enough mana sustain. E + Staff of Flowing Water + Celerity >> bum ass 10 ability haste on a champion that stacks 60 AH passively anyway.
- Her basse model has aged well and I love her base skin's splash art. I would love a VGU for more pixels, but she looks beautiful with the 4 pixels she has.
- Mana Tear on Sona is NOT overrated. Yeah I know some of you veterans preach that you can manage her mana without it, but Sona isn't a champion that wants to manage mana, she's a champion that wants to spam her shit off cooldown. I only avoid going Mana Tear if I'm against an all in lane where I need Ruby Crystal/Amp Tome to survive long enough to pull off a full spell rotation to begin with.
- Precision or Inspiration secondary > Resolve secondary. Revitalize is wonderful, but I'd rather have mana sustain to press the said heal/shield spells without going OOM. Presence of Mind and Biscuits just feel so good in lane.
- Scorch > Gathering Storm. I'm not as aggressively against GS as I am against bum ass Transcendance, but Sona can literally proc Scorch almost off-cooldown and it helps her reliably create pressure in lane. I generally do 100+ damage on it by my first recall, and it doesn't scale as badly as people want it to, the damage goes from 20 to 40 based on level. I'll get more AP from playing early game better and getting items than I will from GS.
- Playing for prio > playing under tower. I feel safer when I'm the laner with a minion advantage than I do under my tower.
- The Sona playerbase suffers tremenously from people telling them "just max W, scale and try to go even in lane" instead of teaching them the champion's lane match ups and her preferred trading patterns. Many Sona players will never become good in lane because they've let themselves be convinced that they can't be good in lane.
- Sona has great AP scaling once you consider she has 3 auras, 3 power chords, 3 active spells effects and an ultimate that scale off AP. The fact that her Q active AP ratio is only 40 percent doesn't mean her AP ratios are bad, you have to look at the bigger picture and see she has 10 fucking AP scalings in her kit.