Am I wrong here?
Hey yall. So I’ve been playing SC for a few months now. For years I watched YouTubers play the game and I thought it looked so much fun! So when I built my PC a few months back I decided to dive into the game. When I started playing it I really enjoyed the vastness and interaction in the world! But I quickly noticed the bugs and things that just simply didn’t work most of the time. This includes random disconnects, elevators not working (this was the main problem I had), and my inventory randomly disappearing from time to time.
I am fully aware the game is not even in beta yet. I had no expectation to play a “finished” game by any means. I agree that there will be issues and bugs when pursuing such a revolutionary new game type.
A few days back me and some guy from global chat hopped in a discord. We ran some bunkers and did some playing around just having a good time, working and playing through all of the bugs. But when I mentioned how buggy the game was at times he immediately became very defensive. He told me that I was being very unrealistic and negative about the whole experience. I really hadn’t dogged on the game too much I just kinda pointed out the points I made above.
This triggered him in some way and he proceeded to give me a whole lecture of how the player base only ever complains and that the game takes time to perfect and that everyone, including myself, was so very ungrateful on what we got to play.
I get that the project was ambitious but brother just snapped on me. I don’t feel like I said anything too controversial and I even credited the work that had been done thus far.
Is the average player base this hostile towards newish players and or outsiders? Or did I just catch one on a bad day?