Did Picard Season 3 rip off a low budget Canadian horror movie?
I just watched a movie called Antisocial. It's kinda a zombie movie, more of an infected movie. The basis is a social media site is turning it's users into aggressive infected that attack anyone. Towards the end of the movie, they kinda just dump the answers into your lap. A social media insider says that to encourage traffic to the site, they embedded a subliminal code that encourages you to post more, comment more, scroll more. He infers that they have an AI algorithm that's been monitoring usage, and then goes on to say that the latest update was designed to make the site truly addictive. There were some side effects: nose bleeds, depression, some suicidal thoughts and aggression, but their attempts to rein in the program caused defend itself by overwhelming the users, causing them to become homicidal maniacs.
A video of the "cure" (if you can call basement brain surgery a cure) explains that the site is causing a mutation in the brain, a tumor which apparently acts as a transmitter for the site; besides an apparent hive mind between the infected, it's shown that some of the infected are "livestreaming" from their eyes to the site. In the end, it appears the downed infected are now being controlled by the site.
This movie is from 2013. In it we have a signal, hidden in something innocuous (social media site), that alters the brains of the young, to turn them into an army against the rest of their people.
Just seemed curious to me.