Sex drive postpartum
How soon postpartum did start to get your sex drive back? I feel so broken. I’m 4 months postpartum and go through phases where I am so turned off by even the thought of sex. Right now is one of those times…I feel so bad for my husband because he is so sweet and takes care of us so well and does a great job trying to prioritize my feelings. He also just wants it way more than I can put out. This past Saturday we did the deed and already, yesterday, just one day later he’s acting like we haven’t done it in forever. Saying things like “I feel like we’re just roommates with occasional benefits” and sending me things on Facebook that some only fans influencer posted saying “things that all men want in relationships” and one of the things was “a lot of private alone fun time”. And was pressuring me into putting on this super skimpy, doesn’t cover anything skirt. I kept saying that I was so tired (just went a whole week with our 4 month old and other babies going through pneumonia and RSV) and I just wanted to relax on the couch. He kept touching me and trying to kiss me and I was trying so hard not to outright reject him but trying to imply I was not feeling it at all. After continuing to pressure me into wearing this skirt, I finally said “fine. Go get it. I’ll wear it. Then we can get this over with and I can relax”. He went to get it and I put it on and passive-aggressively did a little booty shake and told him to get it over with. And well, he did. And I feel so gross and objectified. I feel like all I am is a body. My 4 children rely on me all day. And finally the end of the day comes around and then my body is needed by a grown man. I feel so repulsed by sex and now him after last night. How do I fix this? I feel so depressed today 🙁 like why can’t we have alone intimate time that isn’t sexual?