Update - out of detox today.
I posted this not long ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/E12tp9urOy
And today I just got out. I feel satisfied with the center I went to. Everyone was so nice and I felt like they took my detox seriously unlike the hospital I went to last year (strapped to a bed, pumped full of morphine and left me alone a lot). I felt I was medically managed very well. My detox symptoms felt pretty bad. Night sweats, insomnia, mood swings. The worst were the night terrors. I spent the first few days in the detox clinic then moved to a sober living house while I finished my detox. The plan is IOP. I don’t really enjoy meetings so am hoping to find a good therapist. I finally feel clear headed and tbh I don’t know if it’s weird but I miss my roomies already. They were all so sweet and it felt so great that I wasn’t alone because this can be so isolating. I have support at home and as far as I know my employers are understanding. I hope I can get my shifts back by next week. I plan on getting back to the gym because my appetite came back HARD while I was in detox. Worst parts for me is watching sports and night time. Crossing fingers I find a good therapist that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg (the area I live in, mental health is very expensive and usually doesn’t take insurance). Positives - I really did leave with some great tools to help cope with cravings. My skin is already clearing up as well. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for being so supportive. I hope I can stick to this and never go back.