69 days!

NICE! Yay! Stopping in to say happy 69 days to myself!

I am really proud, appreciative and impressed with myself.

Its been a hard few months, for a lot of reasons, but alcohol didn't play a role in any of that. I dealt with a lot of emotions, worked my ass off at my job, saw my dad through a hospital stay, did the holidays, cut off some toxic people, listened to a few books on tape, reconnected with friends and myself, finished up some projects around the apartment, cooked a lot, laughed a lot, cried a lot.

I had a really nice moment last night, where I realized that my emotions are starting to come back to me, which is so beautiful.

I am feeling really good, and want to say thank you to this sub. It builds me up and humbles me at the same time, I keep a little desktop note of wise words from some posts and they really really help.

So thank you all, im looking forward to triple digits next!