Who is the Most Screwed Player of All Time?

I kind of felt like talking about who is the most screwed player in survivor history across every iteration.

For me, my argument is for Baden in Australian Survivor Brains vs Brawn.

Some background context is that at the merge it is very much the brains vs brains 7-6. However OG brains George and Cara flip making it a 8-5 majority, but a successful idol play by the brains and med evc make the numbers 6-5 in the brawn + Cara and George contingent. The only person George and Cara are mega loyal to on the other side is Baden, and given they are in a swing position the brains can't target him as George and Cara would likely flip if so.

However, at the immunity challenge there is a twist. The first three people to finish the course win immunity and are the only people who will have the opportunity to vote at tribal council.

But to add insult to injury, at tribal council it is revealed that of the three immune, only the person who wins a fire making challenge shall be able to vote, meaning there is 1 vote in the earn. 1, out of 11 players left in the game shall vote. A brawn wins the contest and as such, Baden is voted out with one vote as he is tight with the players in the swing position of the game!!!

Whilst it was a semi non-elim, it completely screwed Baden who was in a pretty good position especially considering his alliance was on the bottom and really should not have been going home but resultingly became the first member of the jury that season.

And yes, George (and Cara to an extent) did flip the next (real) round to take out a brawn (and made it to final 4 together).

Please tell me if you agree and if there is anyone else you can think of who was screwed to this extent! : )