cards i've never drawn before in a reading

so i predominantly read for myself. lately i've been pulling/drawing cards i literally never pull. i am used to air heavy, reversal heavy spreads. lately, the cards have been branching out and i'm starting to see a lot more major arcana cards. i got the heirophant in a reading earlier and it's not so much the card as it's position that has me confuzzled. i want a second opinion because the heirophant is one that i've got a bit of a mental block towards.

i did a celtic cross spread seeking reassurance on how i am dealing with my toxic family heading into the holidays.

1) me/the question/me in relation to the question.

justice. i interpreted this as my method of descision making is good and i am doing the best i can given the circumstances.

2) the challenge.

king of pentacles, reversed. my "challenge" is in accepting i am right (implying my family is wrong), reiterating i explored every possible outcome.

3) the past.

6 of swords, reversed. i am entering this upcoming holiday season from a solid, stable space. i have room to breathe right now.

4) the short term future.

the fool, reversed. what i'm heading towards is not new. i have been through similar circumstances or what's coming is something i've already put a lot of thought and effort into. it won't be a surprise.

  1. above/goal.

4 of pentacles. i want to get to a place where interacting with my family doesn't hurt or negatively affect me. this is a worthy goal but not one achieved easily or quickly.

  1. below/subconscious.

king of wands. i've been supressing my emotions in regards to my family. i need to allow myself to feel my feelings, even the big ones.

  1. advice.

9 of cups. i've said no to my family before and it has only benefitted me. things might work out in my favour if i give them the chance to.

  1. external forces.

5 of wands. be ready for a disagreement and confident you are making the right choice.

  1. hopes and fears.

the heirophant. i am both my hope in this situation (standing up for myself) and what i fear ("causing" strife by standing up for myself)

  1. the outcome.

knight of cups. you are headed right towards what you desire. keep going. there is a chance standing up for myself will have a positive effect on my relationship at some point in the (not immediate) future.