I'm a bad daughter
This is just a vent but also looking for people with similar experiences
I'm 16 female I have a sister and my mom is a single parent, we've been living in a 1 bedroom apartment for 6 years which is fine I don't mind it ofc it's crowded but we make it work. I will forever appreciate everything my mom has done for us and I love her so much.
yesterday we got in a huge fight and after she sat down on my bed let out l her feelings about me and this finally made me realize how fucked up I am.
I lie I cheat I steal to better myself, I go against everything she says I am rude to her I've physically hit her she thinks I hate her. I didn't even get her a birthday present.
My sister is an athlete has a very strong relationship with my mom which makes everything worse my mom won't even talk to me barley anymore because she thinks I don't care what she has to say. I feel so fucking guilty I'm a horrible person. My mom is kicking me out when I'm 19 because of my actions wtf have I become I don't want to hurt my mom I can't control myself sometimes but I truly feel so guilty and ashamed of myself I'm sorry mom I love you.