I am having second thoughts about my relationship . F18, M19
Me (F18) and my bf(M19) have been together for two years now. Our relationship has had its ups and downs however, after half a tear of being together we had to be long distance since he went to uni. Since then, we have had multiple fights and most of the time i am in the right. Its getting really frustrating though trying to constantly make him understand and always being the more mature one. As time passes i start seeing him as an annoying little boy that never complies with anything, always thinks that he’s right and criticises me. He is overprotective and always makes comments on everything. Moreover, for the last half year i have been feeling like we are not on the same level, nor emotionally or physically. Meaning that i am so full of live, i always call him, talk to him, be energetic. I try to pay attention to details and i am veru interested in science, biology and whatever evolves around humans and is interesting. However, he is kinda pathetic. Always bored, doesn’t really enjoy learning and educating himself( although he has gotten into thr best economic college), he focuses on money and cannot really hold up a deep conversation. Don’t get me wrong, we have a really strong bond and i am deeply in love with him. He does some gestures to show me affection like travel To see me and stuff. But i sometimes feel very tired… or i think about life with a partner that has the same interests as me, or at least wants to know about me and cares about the small stuff and details. What do u think?
TL;DR my mind is evolving. I want to be smart, interested, grateful. He is bored. Idk what to do with our relationship since i love him so much and we have talked about so many plans