Listen here Edgeworks… More than 10,000,000 people love this game and you ignore them and permanently pause updates… There is so much you can do and improve this game… Yet you choose to do nothing… Remember Carbon Impact Points? You abandoned it too. Don’t even get me started on Landfall… You made a disappointment you no longer even try to improve.
Then we have LTEs. The only way you get legendary governors and you decided to pause them. Many players suffer from the missing part of their collection they will never be able to get. Either work on this game or sell it to someone who actually cares.

User DVS_Misfit pointed out if we all stop watching ads and purchasing in-game purchases, we can stop Edgeworks from milking money from this game, which is an action that is recommended to take, judging by how the game is probably going to go.

Come on! Upvote this post! Make Edgeworks hear our voices! We are customers with demand, this must not be the end of TerraGenesis!