To Sniper Mains: would the changing/removal of close-range quickscoping ruin the class for you?
To explain myself a little, I am among those who hates fighting snipers and wants some changes to be made to make them less frustrating to deal with, which I have noticed has become a pretty common opinion in the last several years. However, something that I am concerned about and want to uphold is to not ruin the class for the people who enjoy playing it. As a Pyro main, I understand what it's like to have everyone scapegoat your favorite class and blame them for all of their problems and whine about how much they should be nerfed. It's not fun, and it's upsetting to think that the fun you have playing your main could be reduced because people kept whining.
Therefore, something I think is important to consider in the process of reducing the oppressiveness of Snipers is to be careful not to ruin the fun of using the class for people who like using them. I want to make sure that these changes result in everyone involved is having more fun. Not just me, and not just them.
So, on that subject, I've been thinking about one of the things that irritates me most when fighting the class, but I'm left torn on whether or not it should be nerfed: close-range quickscoping. I get really irritated and frustrated whenever it happens to me, and the possibility of it always makes the process of fighting snipers up-close much more stressful than it otherwise would be. It's really obnoxious to go through all the trouble of flanking a sniper or approaching a sniper after dodging a bunch of ranged quickscopes, getting really close and then getting shut down by a close-range quickscope. It feels like the Sniper is cheating his own weakness and bailing himself out of a situation he had no business surviving, especially because it's often hard to get him into that situation to begin with. And now he's free to just resume shooting at and harassing my team like nothing even happened (after getting a health pack, of course).
However, I also think there is an argument to be made of why close-range quickscoping shouldn't be nerfed. It's a very difficult maneuver to pull off, and I do agree with the sentiment that difficult skill-based techniques should be rewarding. And also, I do understand and concede that I need to be accountable for my own end of things: if I get close-ranged quickscoped, then it usually means that either I'm fighting a really good sniper who earned it, or I was moving too predictably when I was fighting him in the 1v1, and thus got punished for being too linear or mindless with my own movement. There is at least a degree of skill issue in my frustration, I'm willing to acknowledge.
So, I wanted to reach out and ask some Sniper Mains how they feel about close-range quickscoping. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that it should be nerfed in some way? Do you think it's a key component of making the class fun to play? Would the class be ruined or partially ruined for you if it was nerfed? If you do think it should be changed, how would you change it so that it's less powerful but still fun and rewarding to go for? I'd like to get your opinions and perspectives.
Thank you sincerely to anyone who answers. I appreciate your time.