In casual, I have been getting kicked while joining. Any help?

So once when just arriving to a casual payload lobby, there have been several times where I have been kicked out of nowhere right as a join. Of my 9ish years of tf2 I’ve never experienced this, and it started happening this month.

There is no explanation to why I’m kicked the second I join either. First couple of times I shrugged, even saw maybe a youtuber and thought maybe they only wanted a lobby of friends, or a competitive game. But it has been happening more and I’m very baffled. They all seem to immediately agree with the kick. Only once someone said no, and when I asked for an explanation, dead silence. What’s going on here? Is it like people who play competitively with only certain members? I don’t mind if this is the case, by all means if so I don’t mind leaving, but i would just like an explanation to why.

EDIT: My assumption to why this is something competitive is cause there are a good amount of high ranking people, at least a good chunk have the yellow/gold tier badge. I myself and only a purple tier.