Are there any other medical students or physicians with thyroid cancer on this sub?

I'm a 4th year med student who was recently diagnosed. Really looking to talk to other people in healthcare who are going through this, but I can't even find any support groups for physicians with cancer in general. I think being a medical student has made this very hard for me since I know everything that can go wrong every step of the way. Knowing how to do a good pub med search and read a paper has also not been great for me lol. Knowing how the behind-the-scenes of how ORs run made having surgery very anxiety provoking for me, but I got through it.

It's also just hard being around cancer and death all the time and not thinking, "I could be in that 1%". I did recently get set up with a therapist to help with some of my anxieties but I would appreciate talking to people who have medical knowledge navigating a cancer diagnosis.