Toddler is sick and it’s so sad

We sent our 1.5 year old to daycare for the first time last Wednesday. By Friday he had some mild symptoms, and since Saturday he’s been a mess. Rash on his face, crying constantly, runny nose, cough, appears to have a sore throat, sleeping all the time, no appetite and not drinking much.

We took him to the doctor and they tested for flu and rsv and he was negative for both. They said it’s fifth disease because of the rash. He’s only had a low grade fever over the weekend but it’s been gone ever since.

He’s been sick before but he just seems so miserable this time, like way more than I’ve ever seen. It’s just hard as his mom to see him suffer like this and there seems to be no way to soothe him. He’s such a happy and active guy and he’s just a sad little sleepy pumpkin.

If you have any advice I’m happy to hear, or just some empathy. Because I want to cry along with him.